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General Dentistry




Dentists serve as your first line of defense against oral health problems and treat those that arise.  Some of the services provided include:


Dental examination:  The dentist will use instruments, tests, radiographs and clinical experience to diagnose existing or potential dental problems and provide individualized guidance and options on treatment.  This includes oral cancer screening.


Dental Restorations which include:

Fillings: We offer both amalgam (silver coloured) and composite (colour matched) fillings.  In this procedure the cavity (decay) is removed and a filling material is used to replace the removed decayed tooth material.  Both traditional amalgams and composite fillings are offered.  The dentist will aid you in deciding the best filling material to use.


Crowns:  Crowns are available in gold, ceramic on metal, and all ceramic.  When the tooth is too damaged for fillings or bonding, a crown may be required.  Three basic options are available, all metal (gold or stainless steel), ceramic on metal, or all ceramic.  Again the dentist will guide you on the best options both cosmetically and reliability.


Dental bonding: Bonding is used to repair chipped or cracked teeth.  In this procedure a composite material that matches your natural tooth is applied and shaped to make the crack or chip invisible.


Root canal:  A root canal is an endodontic procedure to open and remove the nerve and blood vessels within the tooth.  This is done to treat infections to the tooth, very deep cavities where the nerve is damaged, and other trauma to the tooth that result in a non-vital tooth.


Extraction:  Both simple and surgical extractions.  Some cases may be referred to specialists.


Dental implants:  In this procedure a replacement artificial tooth is implanted into your jaw to replace missing teeth.  We work with specialist to complete the final restoration of dental implants.


Bridges:  A bridge is a fixed partial denture.  Teeth abutting removed teeth are used to permanently anchor a false tooth or teeth providing functionality, cosmetic improvement, and helps prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place.


Dentures:  Both partial and complete dentures are offered.  These are removable dental devises to replace missing teeth.  The service of fitting, refitting, relining, and adjusting of dentures are provided.


TMJ treatment: Night-guards and palliative therapy


Sports Guards:  Custom sports guards for maximum protection.


Dry Mouth:  Treatment for dry mouth (lack or insufficient saliva) is provided.



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Last modified: July 02, 2019